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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors


To submit an article to the journal, it is necessary to register with it.
To send a manuscript, two files must be sent, one with the author's data, and another with the article itself. It is done in this way to ensure the double-blind review process.
The author's data must be sent in a separate file and contain: Names and surnames; institutional affiliation, email, and the url of the ORCID number. In a separate paragraph, the summarized resume of the author of the article (in a single paragraph). Additionally, it is requested to include the postal address and mobile phone number: These data will not be published in the magazine, they are only for the publisher's record.

General format for submitting the manuscript

The works sent must contain:

A summary (abstract) of the work, between 200 and 250 words, in Spanish and English.
Five or six keywords that identify the main findings of the research, in Spanish and English.
Structure of the texts. The general structure of the submitted texts MUST CONTAIN the following: introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.
Extension. The length of the complete text will oscillate between four thousand and eight thousand words, including cover, abstract, tables, figures, notes and references.
margins. The top, bottom, right and left margins should be 2.5 cm in length.
Font (font). Times New Roman or Arial font must be used, size 12.
Line spacing. The main text must have a line spacing of 1.5.
Bleeding. All paragraphs are indented (two spaces).
Titles and subtitles. The same type of text font will be used: Times New Roman in black and in accordance with the heading levels recommended in the APA standards (latest version).
Quotes. In both indirect and direct (textual) citations, the last name of the author, or authors, and the year of publication must be indicated, as well as the number of the citation page (in direct citations), according to the criteria established in the latest version of APA standards.
Footnotes page. They will be used exclusively for additional explanations and comments, but not for citing sources.
References. In the references section, only those that have been cited in the document should be placed completely and correctly, using the current APA standards for all criteria.
The last names of all the authors must be placed in the reference list.
If there are several works by the same author, the oldest work is placed first.
When the date of a source is not indicated, it must be replaced by (s.f.), which means without date.
The names of journals and book titles must be written in full and in italics.
Articles collected electronically must indicate the DOI (digital object identifier) of the document. If it is not assigned, then the web address (URL) from which the document was retrieved will be written. The date of recovery of the document should not be placed, unless it is considered that the source of information will vary over time.
Neither the URL nor the DOI are underlined or italicized; neither is a full stop placed after these.
Tables and figures. For their general use, they will be governed by the criteria established in the current APA standards.
Only the denominations tables and figures will be used; No graphs, charts, photos, diagrams, etc.
The tables must be included in an editable format, in the same text, and with a simple format (APA standards), without colors or patterns in the background, without dividing lines for rows and columns.
Tables must not be cut between two pages. If the table is very long, it will be placed on a separate page.
When existing tables, figures or models that have some modification made by the author are used, “Adapted from” is placed, followed by the respective source. In case a model has been copied, write “Taken from”, followed by the source.
Tables and figures must be numbered correctly, correlatively.
Excessive use of tables and figures at work should be avoided, as it could be detrimental to reading and comprehension.
Images and photographs. Each one must be attached separately apart from the manuscript, indicating where they go, in a resolution of 300 dpi, in tiff or jpg format. The images and photographs must be identified and with their respective captions, if any. These go in the figures category.


Once the manuscript has been prepared in accordance with all the criteria required in this journal, you must submit it through our platform, following the steps indicated. To do this, you must be previously registered as an author.
The author will be able to monitor the review and evaluation process of his manuscript sent through the platform, where the status in which it is submitted will be indicated.

To do this, you must be previously registered as an author.
The author will be able to monitor the review and evaluation process of his manuscript sent through the platform, where the status of the process will be indicated.
Once the final text of the approved paper to be published in the journal has been edited and corrected, the latest version will be sent to the author for a final review, in which he will only be able to make minimal corrections. If the author (or authors) is (are) not satisfied with the text, then he will open a discussion on the platform, indicating his reasons, which will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, adopting a decision.
After the article has been published in the journal, it will be permanently available for online consultation and free downloads, through pdf, xml and html files.


The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by means of an anti-plagiarism system, to verify the originality of the text. If any plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be automatically rejected and the author will not be able to subscribe to other articles in the journal.


The manuscripts received will be evaluated by specialists in the area, through the double-blind review system, in order to be approved and subsequently published. The final verdict of the evaluation of the manuscripts carried out by the peers will be communicated to the Editorial Committee, with the observations and corrections, if any, approving or rejecting their publication, with an explanation of reasons.

The Editorial Committee will have the final decision to publish or not the article. If the Editorial Committee approves the publication of the manuscript, prior to the review process, it will inform the author of its decision.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in Word format. The text has one and a half space spacing; 12 point Times New Roman font size; justified text; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • You have the coverage metadata ready, keywords, support agencies, issues, disciplines, source (url in the case of research papers published in a repository)
  • Use APA style.Whenever possible, URL addresses are provided for reference and the pages used are included.
  • The data of the author (s) must be considered in the COLLABORATORS section including: Names and Surnames, email, institutional affiliation, ORCID (verify that when entering you have your updated data), and a paragraph with the summary resume of the author (it is )
  • Have a photograph of the author ready to be uploaded in a separate file when submitting the manuscript so it can be used in the content index.
  • Manuscripts can be of the following types: original articles (derived from a completed research paper), review articles, case studies, and methodological articles.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Guidelines of the author.


Artículos con estructura particular

Research Articles

Respond to original research papers

Review articles

General structure. – Summary, Introduction, method [(or materials and method (s)][1], Case Description, Discussion, conclusions, and references.
Detailed, selective and critical studies are considered that integrate essential information under a unitary and overall vision that compiles the most relevant information on a specific topic, in order to examine the published bibliography and place it according to a particular approach. This type of research is characterized by offering a careful and extensive bibliographic review (at least 15 authors reviewed).

Case Studies

General structure. – Abstract, Introduction, method [(or materials and method(s)], case analysis (with the necessary titles and subtitles), conclusions, and references.

They expose the results obtained from the study of one or several cases considered as a specific experience referring to the lines of research of the CAEN-EPG to illustrate a problem, present solutions or present an analysis of the research problem, different from the one previously published. It is not essential that the article refers to an extensive presentation of a conceptual or theoretical framework.

Methodological articles

General structure. – Summary, Introduction, method [(or materials and method(s)], analysis of the proposed methodology (with the necessary titles and subtitles), conclusions, and references.

They provide new methodologies or modify existing ones after a rigorous analysis of them. They can also present discussions on quantitative and analytical approaches.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.